PlayStation App
Connect. Discover. Control.
Version: 22.9.0
Program available in: English
Program license: Free
Program by: PlayStation Mobile Inc.
The Playstation app is the official companion for Playstation devices. It serves all at once as a remote control, a dashboard for interacting with your Playstation 4 or Playstation TV box, and a means to update your account, browse the Playstation Store, and catch up with friends even when you're on the go. The Playstation app is free to use but requires a Sony Entertainment Network account to log in.
By relying on cloud services, the Playstation app allows you to basically create a gaming ecosystem that follows you wherever you go. Buy a purchase through the marketplace on the train in to work, set it to download on your PS4 at the office, then schedule time to play with your PSN friends during your lunch break. You have full control over your notifications, allowing you to set up a dashboard that's accommodating to your specific needs.
Social media has become an important aspect of the PS4 experience, and this is prominently on display through the Playstation app. You can compare your trophies and scores with your friends directly through the interface, engage in live chat, and edit and watch videos shared from the community wherever you happen to be.

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